@@ -1,399 +1,447 @@
- <div class="bg">
- <!-- <van-nav-bar
+ <div class="bg">
+ <!-- <van-nav-bar
/> -->
- <!-- <van-image
+ <!-- <van-image
/> -->
- <van-swipe :autoplay="3000" lazy-render>
- <van-swipe-item v-for="image in BannerImgurls" :key="image">
- <van-image width="100%" height="10rem" fit="cover" :src="image" />
- </van-swipe-item>
- </van-swipe>
- <div class="tabtitlelay" @click="goToBeDone">
- <div class="tabtitle1"></div>
- <div class="tabtitle">我的待办</div>
- <div class="tabtitle2">(</div>
- <div class="tabtitle3">{{ sum }}</div>
- <div class="tabtitle4">)</div>
- <van-icon name="ellipsis" class="tabtitle5" />
- </div>
- <div class="flexll">
- <div class="ffl2" id="0" @click="goToBeDone($event)">
- <div class="textRegular">待处理</div>
- <div class="textRed">{{ sum1 ? sum1 : 0 }}</div>
- </div>
- <div class="verticalLine"></div>
- <div class="ffl2" id="1" @click="goToBeDone($event)">
- <div class="textRegular">已处理</div>
- <div class="textBlue">{{ sum2 ? sum2 : 0 }}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="hLine"></div>
- <div class="tabtitlelay">
- <div class="tabtitle1"></div>
- <div class="tabtitle">场所管理</div>
- </div>
- <van-grid :border="false">
- <van-grid-item icon="./loginbg/csdj.png" text="场所登记" @click="goPlaceRegister" />
- <van-grid-item icon="./loginbg/csry.png" text="场所人员信息" @click="goPlacePerson" />
- <van-grid-item icon="./loginbg/cspw.png" text="牌位管理" @click="goPlaceTablet" />
- <van-grid-item icon="./loginbg/csxf.png" text="场所消防" @click="PlaceFirefighting" />
- </van-grid>
- <div class="hLine"></div>
- <div class="tabtitlelay">
- <div class="tabtitle1"></div>
- <div class="tabtitle">{{ testshow }}</div>
- </div>
- <van-grid :border="false">
- <van-grid-item icon="./loginbg/hd_cshd.png" @click="placeActivity" text="场所活动" />
- <van-grid-item icon="./loginbg/hd_jc.png" text="场所检查" @click="tohd_jc" />
- <van-grid-item icon="./loginbg/hd_hy.png" text="负责人会议" @click="tohd_hy" />
- </van-grid>
- <div class="tabtitlelay">
- <div class="tabtitle1"></div>
- <div class="tabtitle">{{ testshow2 }}</div>
- </div>
- <van-grid :border="false">
- <van-grid-item icon="./loginbg/hd_ssjhd.png" @click="selfMeetingList" text="私设聚会点" />
- <van-grid-item icon="./loginbg/hd_xjqz.png" @click="abnormalCrowd" text="信教群众异常" />
- <van-grid-item icon="./loginbg/hd_af.png" text="安防设施异常" @click="tohd_af" />
- <van-grid-item icon="./loginbg/hd_qt.png" text="其他有害信息" @click="tohd_qt" />
- </van-grid>
- </div>
+ <van-swipe :autoplay="3000" lazy-render>
+ <van-swipe-item v-for="image in BannerImgurls" :key="image">
+ <van-image width="100%" height="10rem" fit="cover" :src="image" />
+ </van-swipe-item>
+ </van-swipe>
+ <div class="tabtitlelay" @click="goToBeDone">
+ <div class="tabtitle1"></div>
+ <div class="tabtitle">我的待办</div>
+ <div class="tabtitle2">(</div>
+ <div class="tabtitle3">{{ sum }}</div>
+ <div class="tabtitle4">)</div>
+ <van-icon name="ellipsis" class="tabtitle5" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="flexll">
+ <div class="ffl2" id="0" @click="goToBeDone($event)">
+ <div class="textRegular">待处理</div>
+ <div class="textRed">{{ sum1 ? sum1 : 0 }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="verticalLine"></div>
+ <div class="ffl2" id="1" @click="goToBeDone($event)">
+ <div class="textRegular">已处理</div>
+ <div class="textBlue">{{ sum2 ? sum2 : 0 }}</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="hLine"></div>
+ <div class="tabtitlelay">
+ <div class="tabtitle1"></div>
+ <div class="tabtitle">场所管理</div>
+ </div>
+ <van-grid :border="false">
+ <van-grid-item
+ icon="./loginbg/csdj.png"
+ text="场所登记"
+ @click="goPlaceRegister"
+ />
+ <van-grid-item
+ icon="./loginbg/csry.png"
+ text="场所人员信息"
+ @click="goPlacePerson"
+ />
+ <van-grid-item
+ icon="./loginbg/cspw.png"
+ text="牌位管理"
+ @click="goPlaceTablet"
+ />
+ <van-grid-item
+ icon="./loginbg/csxf.png"
+ text="场所消防"
+ @click="PlaceFirefighting"
+ />
+ </van-grid>
+ <div class="hLine"></div>
+ <div class="tabtitlelay">
+ <div class="tabtitle1"></div>
+ <div class="tabtitle">{{ testshow }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <van-grid :border="false">
+ <van-grid-item
+ icon="./loginbg/hd_cshd.png"
+ @click="placeActivity"
+ text="场所活动"
+ />
+ <van-grid-item
+ icon="./loginbg/hd_jc.png"
+ text="场所检查"
+ @click="tohd_jc"
+ />
+ <van-grid-item
+ icon="./loginbg/hd_hy.png"
+ text="负责人会议"
+ @click="tohd_hy"
+ />
+ </van-grid>
+ <div class="tabtitlelay">
+ <div class="tabtitle1"></div>
+ <div class="tabtitle">{{ testshow2 }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <van-grid :border="false">
+ <van-grid-item
+ icon="./loginbg/hd_ssjhd.png"
+ @click="selfMeetingList"
+ text="私设聚会点"
+ />
+ <van-grid-item
+ icon="./loginbg/hd_xjqz.png"
+ @click="abnormalCrowd"
+ text="信教群众异常"
+ />
+ <van-grid-item
+ icon="./loginbg/hd_af.png"
+ text="安防设施异常"
+ @click="tohd_af"
+ />
+ <van-grid-item
+ icon="./loginbg/hd_qt.png"
+ text="其他有害信息"
+ @click="tohd_qt"
+ />
+ </van-grid>
+ </div>
import tool from "@/tool";
import qs from "qs";
import userSets from "@/api/sys/userSets";
-import toBeDone from '@/api/toBeDone/toBeDone';
+import toBeDone from "@/api/toBeDone/toBeDone";
import $base from "@/utils/config";
export default {
- data() {
- return {
- title: '民宗干事',
- username: "",
- sms: "",
- password: "",
- password2: "",
- con1: 0,
- con2: 0,
- testshow: "活动管理",
- testshow2: "异常监管",
- sum: "0",
- sum1: "0",
- sum2: "0",
- BannerImgurls: ['https://img1.baidu.com/it/u=2086445453,3056906789&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=GIF?w=1378&h=400', 'https://img1.baidu.com/it/u=2086445453,3056906789&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=GIF?w=1378&h=400']
- }
- },
- created() {
- let id = this.$route.query.id;
- window.xm.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: '宗教和顺' })
- this.TokenLogin2();
- this.$dictUtils.refreshDictList();
- },
- methods: {
- // 待办跳转
- goToBeDone(e) {
- let value = JSON.stringify(e.currentTarget.id)
- this.$router.push({
- path: "/toBeDone",
- query: { "name": value }
- });
- },
- // 场所登记跳转
- goPlaceRegister() {
- this.$router.push("/placeRegisterList");
- },
- // 人员档案跳转
- goPlacePerson() {
- this.$router.push("/placePerson");
- },
- // 牌位管理跳转
- goPlaceTablet() {
- this.$router.push("/placeTablet");
- },
- //场所消防
- PlaceFirefighting(){
- this.$router.push("/placeFirefightingList");
- },
- //待办数据获取
- dataNumber() {
- new toBeDone().list().then((res) => {
- this.sum1 = res.records.length;
- this.sum = this.sum1 + this.sum2;
- })
- new toBeDone().list2().then((res1) => {
- this.sum2 = res1.records.length;
- this.sum = this.sum1 + this.sum2;
- })
- },
- onClickLeft() {
- history.back();
- },
- tohd_jc() {
- //this.onlineXm.xmNavTo("../activityMan\siteInspection\siteInspectionList");
- this.$router.push("/siteInspectionList");
- },
- tohd_af() {
- this.$router.push("/securityFacilitiesErrList");
- },
- tohd_hy() {
- this.$router.push("/religiousConferenceList");
- },
- tohd_qt() {
- this.$router.push("/nonReligiousInformationList");
- },
- // 活动场所
- placeActivity() {
- this.$router.push("/placeActivityList")
- },
- selfMeetingList() {
- this.$router.push("/selfMeetingList")
- },
- abnormalCrowd() {
- this.$router.push("/differentbelieversList")
- },
- async TokenLogin() {
- let that = this;
- //添加PCtoken过期判断,(请求拦截到token过期,会设置PCtoken为空,为空的时候再调用免登功能)
- if (this.$store.state.pctoken == "" || this.$store.state.pctoken == undefined) {
- //SDK中 getToken() 方法获取免登token
- //window.xm.getToken().then(async function(token){//上线取消注释
- let token = "test";//上线注释
- const inputForm = qs.stringify({
- 'token': token
- }, { allowDots: true, arrayFormat: 'indices' })
- var res = await this.$API.yin.TokenLogin.get(inputForm);
- //存PCtoken
- this.$store.commit('setPcToken', res.PcToken);
- this.$store.commit('setUser', res.account);
- //})//上线取消注释
- }
- },
- TokenLogin2() {
- let that = this;
- //添加PCtoken过期判断,(请求拦截到token过期,会设置PCtoken为空,为空的时候再调用免登功能)
- if (this.$store.state.pctoken == "" || this.$store.state.pctoken == undefined) {
- //SDK中 getToken() 方法获取免登token
- window.xm.getToken().then(async function (token) {//上线取消注释
- // let token = "test";//上线注释
- new userSets()
- .TokenLogin({
- token: token
- })
- .then((res) => {
- xm.showToast({
- message: "111"+res.header['Set-Cookie'],
- });
- that.$store.commit('setPcToken', res.PcToken);
- that.$store.commit('setUser', res.account);
- that.getBannerImg();//获取轮播图
- that.getSelectColor();//获取主题颜色
- that.dataNumber();//获取待办事项数
- });
- })//上线取消注释
- } else {
- xm.showToast({
- message: "111"+res.header['Set-Cookie'],
- });
- that.getBannerImg();//获取轮播图
- that.getSelectColor();//获取主题颜色
- that.dataNumber();//获取待办事项数
- }
- },
- getStatistics() {
- let that = this;
- new userSets()
- .Statistics()
- .then((res) => {
- if (res[0].sum != undefined && res[0].sum != null && res[0].sum != "") {
- that.sum = res[0].sum;
- }
- if (res[0].sum1 != undefined && res[0].sum1 != null && res[0].sum1 != "") {
- that.sum1 = res[0].sum1;
- }
- if (res[0].sum2 != undefined && res[0].sum2 != null && res[0].sum2 != "") {
- that.sum2 = res[0].sum2;
- }
- });
- },
- getBannerImg() {
- new userSets()
- .BannerImg({
- 'current': 1,
- 'size': 5,
- 'orders': [],
- })
- .then((res) => {
- let bs = [];
- res.records[0].bannerImg.split("|").forEach((item) => {
- if (item.trim().length > 0) {
- bs.push($base + item.replace('程序附件//', '程序附件/'),
- );
- }
- });
- this.BannerImgurls = bs;
- });
- },
- getSelectColor() {
- let that = this;
- new userSets()
- .SelectColor()
- .then((res) => {
- //console.log(res.records[0].selectColor.substring(1, 7));
- //存PCtoken
- that.$store.commit('setSelectColor', res.默认);
- });
- },
- //测试接口,可删除
- async gettest() {
- let that = this;
- //SDK中 getToken() 方法获取免登token
- // window.xm.getToken().then(function(token){
- // console.log(token);
- // that.con1="哈哈"+token;
- // window.xm.showToast({
- // message:that.con1
- // })
- // })
- //测试数据同步接口的
- const inputForm = {
- 'iamRequestId': '120010',
- 'iamRemoteUser': 'admin12022',
- 'iamRemotePwd': ''
- }
- var res = await this.$API.yin.SchemaService.post(inputForm);
- if (res.type == 1) {
- this.$router.replace({
- path: "/main",
- });
- } else {
- Toast.fail(res.message);
- }
- },
- //测试接口,可删除
- async gettest2() {
- var datas = {
- username: "admin",
- };
- var res = await this.$API.my.OrderDetails.get(datas);
- this.con1 = res;
- console.log(res);
- },
- //用户数据同步测试用(用户保存)
- async gettestUser1() {
- const inputForm = {
- 'iamRequestId': '120010',
- 'iamRemoteUser': 'admin',
- 'iamRemotePwd': '11',
- 'loginName': 'yzt2',
- 'name': '同步用户2',
- 'password': '111',
- 'idcard': '320911199010000002',
- 'email': '818166662@qq.com',
- 'phone': '88868882',
- 'mobile': '1829999992',
- 'loginFlag': '1',
- 'photo': '',
- 'sign': '个性签名2',
- }
- var res = await this.$API.yin.UserCreateService.post(inputForm);
- console.log(res);
- },
- //(用户更新)
- async gettestUser2() {
- const inputForm = {
- 'iamRequestId': '120010',
- 'iamRemoteUser': 'admin',
- 'iamRemotePwd': '11',
- 'uid': '1639158103696228354',
- 'loginName': 'yzt222',
- 'name': '11',
- // 'password': '',
- // 'idcard': '',
- // 'email': '',
- // 'phone': '',
- // 'mobile': '',
- // 'loginFlag': '',
- // 'photo': '',
- // 'sign': '',
- }
- var res = await this.$API.yin.UserUpdateService.post(inputForm);
- console.log(res);
- },
- //(用户删除)
- async gettestUser3() {
- const inputForm = {
- 'iamRequestId': '120010',
- 'iamRemoteUser': 'admin',
- 'iamRemotePwd': '111',
- 'uid': '1639158103696228354',
- }
- var res = await this.$API.yin.UserDeleteService.post(inputForm);
- console.log(res);
- },
- },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ title: "民宗干事",
+ username: "",
+ sms: "",
+ password: "",
+ password2: "",
+ con1: 0,
+ con2: 0,
+ testshow: "活动管理",
+ testshow2: "异常监管",
+ sum: "0",
+ sum1: "0",
+ sum2: "0",
+ BannerImgurls: [
+ "https://img1.baidu.com/it/u=2086445453,3056906789&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=GIF?w=1378&h=400",
+ "https://img1.baidu.com/it/u=2086445453,3056906789&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=GIF?w=1378&h=400",
+ ],
+ };
+ },
+ created() {
+ let id = this.$route.query.id;
+ window.xm.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: "宗教和顺" });
+ this.TokenLogin2();
+ this.$dictUtils.refreshDictList();
+ },
+ methods: {
+ // 待办跳转
+ goToBeDone(e) {
+ let value = JSON.stringify(e.currentTarget.id);
+ this.$router.push({
+ path: "/toBeDone",
+ query: { name: value },
+ });
+ },
+ // 场所登记跳转
+ goPlaceRegister() {
+ this.$router.push("/placeRegisterList");
+ },
+ // 人员档案跳转
+ goPlacePerson() {
+ this.$router.push("/placePerson");
+ },
+ // 牌位管理跳转
+ goPlaceTablet() {
+ this.$router.push("/placeTablet");
+ },
+ //场所消防
+ PlaceFirefighting() {
+ this.$router.push("/placeFirefightingList");
+ },
+ //待办数据获取
+ dataNumber() {
+ new toBeDone().list().then((res) => {
+ this.sum1 = res.records.length;
+ this.sum = this.sum1 + this.sum2;
+ });
+ new toBeDone().list2().then((res1) => {
+ this.sum2 = res1.records.length;
+ this.sum = this.sum1 + this.sum2;
+ });
+ },
+ onClickLeft() {
+ history.back();
+ },
+ tohd_jc() {
+ //this.onlineXm.xmNavTo("../activityMan\siteInspection\siteInspectionList");
+ this.$router.push("/siteInspectionList");
+ },
+ tohd_af() {
+ this.$router.push("/securityFacilitiesErrList");
+ },
+ tohd_hy() {
+ this.$router.push("/religiousConferenceList");
+ },
+ tohd_qt() {
+ this.$router.push("/nonReligiousInformationList");
+ },
+ // 活动场所
+ placeActivity() {
+ this.$router.push("/placeActivityList");
+ },
+ selfMeetingList() {
+ this.$router.push("/selfMeetingList");
+ },
+ abnormalCrowd() {
+ this.$router.push("/differentbelieversList");
+ },
+ async TokenLogin() {
+ let that = this;
+ //添加PCtoken过期判断,(请求拦截到token过期,会设置PCtoken为空,为空的时候再调用免登功能)
+ if (
+ this.$store.state.pctoken == "" ||
+ this.$store.state.pctoken == undefined
+ ) {
+ //SDK中 getToken() 方法获取免登token
+ //window.xm.getToken().then(async function(token){//上线取消注释
+ let token = "test"; //上线注释
+ const inputForm = qs.stringify(
+ {
+ token: token,
+ },
+ { allowDots: true, arrayFormat: "indices" }
+ );
+ var res = await this.$API.yin.TokenLogin.get(inputForm);
+ //存PCtoken
+ this.$store.commit("setPcToken", res.PcToken);
+ this.$store.commit("setUser", res.account);
+ //})//上线取消注释
+ }
+ },
+ TokenLogin2() {
+ let that = this;
+ xm.getStorage({ key: "MZ_TOKEN" }).then((result) => {
+ xm.showToast({
+ message: result,
+ });
+ return result;
+ });
+ //添加PCtoken过期判断,(请求拦截到token过期,会设置PCtoken为空,为空的时候再调用免登功能)
+ if (
+ this.$store.state.pctoken == "" ||
+ this.$store.state.pctoken == undefined
+ ) {
+ //SDK中 getToken() 方法获取免登token
+ // window.xm.getToken().then(async function (token) {
+ //上线取消注释
+ let token = "test"; //上线注释
+ new userSets()
+ .TokenLogin({
+ token: token,
+ })
+ .then((res) => {
+ // xm.showToast({
+ // message: res.PcToken,
+ // });
+ that.$store.commit("setPcToken", res.PcToken);
+ that.$store.commit("setUser", res.account);
+ that.getBannerImg(); //获取轮播图
+ that.getSelectColor(); //获取主题颜色
+ that.dataNumber(); //获取待办事项数
+ });
+ // }); //上线取消注释
+ } else {
+ xm.showToast({
+ message: "222",
+ });
+ that.getBannerImg(); //获取轮播图
+ that.getSelectColor(); //获取主题颜色
+ that.dataNumber(); //获取待办事项数
+ }
+ },
+ getStatistics() {
+ let that = this;
+ new userSets().Statistics().then((res) => {
+ if (res[0].sum != undefined && res[0].sum != null && res[0].sum != "") {
+ that.sum = res[0].sum;
+ }
+ if (
+ res[0].sum1 != undefined &&
+ res[0].sum1 != null &&
+ res[0].sum1 != ""
+ ) {
+ that.sum1 = res[0].sum1;
+ }
+ if (
+ res[0].sum2 != undefined &&
+ res[0].sum2 != null &&
+ res[0].sum2 != ""
+ ) {
+ that.sum2 = res[0].sum2;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ getBannerImg() {
+ new userSets()
+ .BannerImg({
+ current: 1,
+ size: 5,
+ orders: [],
+ })
+ .then((res) => {
+ let bs = [];
+ res.records[0].bannerImg.split("|").forEach((item) => {
+ if (item.trim().length > 0) {
+ bs.push($base + item.replace("程序附件//", "程序附件/"));
+ }
+ });
+ this.BannerImgurls = bs;
+ });
+ },
+ getSelectColor() {
+ let that = this;
+ new userSets().SelectColor().then((res) => {
+ //console.log(res.records[0].selectColor.substring(1, 7));
+ //存PCtoken
+ that.$store.commit("setSelectColor", res.默认);
+ });
+ },
+ //测试接口,可删除
+ async gettest() {
+ let that = this;
+ //SDK中 getToken() 方法获取免登token
+ // window.xm.getToken().then(function(token){
+ // console.log(token);
+ // that.con1="哈哈"+token;
+ // window.xm.showToast({
+ // message:that.con1
+ // })
+ // })
+ //测试数据同步接口的
+ const inputForm = {
+ iamRequestId: "120010",
+ iamRemoteUser: "admin12022",
+ iamRemotePwd: "",
+ };
+ var res = await this.$API.yin.SchemaService.post(inputForm);
+ if (res.type == 1) {
+ this.$router.replace({
+ path: "/main",
+ });
+ } else {
+ Toast.fail(res.message);
+ }
+ },
+ //测试接口,可删除
+ async gettest2() {
+ var datas = {
+ username: "admin",
+ };
+ var res = await this.$API.my.OrderDetails.get(datas);
+ this.con1 = res;
+ console.log(res);
+ },
+ //用户数据同步测试用(用户保存)
+ async gettestUser1() {
+ const inputForm = {
+ iamRequestId: "120010",
+ iamRemoteUser: "admin",
+ iamRemotePwd: "11",
+ loginName: "yzt2",
+ name: "同步用户2",
+ password: "111",
+ idcard: "320911199010000002",
+ email: "818166662@qq.com",
+ phone: "88868882",
+ mobile: "1829999992",
+ loginFlag: "1",
+ photo: "",
+ sign: "个性签名2",
+ };
+ var res = await this.$API.yin.UserCreateService.post(inputForm);
+ console.log(res);
+ },
+ //(用户更新)
+ async gettestUser2() {
+ const inputForm = {
+ iamRequestId: "120010",
+ iamRemoteUser: "admin",
+ iamRemotePwd: "11",
+ uid: "1639158103696228354",
+ loginName: "yzt222",
+ name: "11",
+ // 'password': '',
+ // 'idcard': '',
+ // 'email': '',
+ // 'phone': '',
+ // 'mobile': '',
+ // 'loginFlag': '',
+ // 'photo': '',
+ // 'sign': '',
+ };
+ var res = await this.$API.yin.UserUpdateService.post(inputForm);
+ console.log(res);
+ },
+ //(用户删除)
+ async gettestUser3() {
+ const inputForm = {
+ iamRequestId: "120010",
+ iamRemoteUser: "admin",
+ iamRemotePwd: "111",
+ uid: "1639158103696228354",
+ };
+ var res = await this.$API.yin.UserDeleteService.post(inputForm);
+ console.log(res);
+ },
+ },
.bg {
- height: 100%;
- background: #ffffff;
+ height: 100%;
+ background: #ffffff;